Doctor Reviews Stem Cell Results for Rotator Cuff Injury at CPI

CPI Medical Director, Dr. Mariela is excited to share some incredible results from one of our Stem Cell patients! This week we had a follow-up with one of our patients who had a severe rotator cuff injury. Prior to treatment at CPI he had bad inflammation, resulting in pain and mobility issues in his shoulder.

During his six-month follow-up, we noted substantial physical improvements. He regained mobility in his shoulder and was able to lift his arm with ease. What’s even more exciting is that there are positive changes in his MRI scans.

Among the first MRI images before stem cell therapy, the superior portion of the tendon, which appears inflamed and discolored, indicates damage and inflammation. However, in the after MRI images, it is significantly reduced compared to before. This reduction in inflammation, combined with the improvement in the patient’s symptoms, indicates the halted progression of deterioration. Now it is time to begin tissue regeneration.

At CPI, we pride ourselves on offering cutting-edge stem cell therapy that delivers tangible benefits to our patients. If you or a loved one is suffering would like to explore treatments with CPI we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our experienced medical team. Please call +1 (855) 227-1411 or Click Here.

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